
分类: 心灵觉醒,疗愈、教导 |
As we move towards the Solstice, the energies are going a bit crazy.
I did mention in a previous post that we could expect this intensity of transformation, with the start of Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn/Pluto and the Magnetic energies of the Solar Winds currently also affecting the Earth.
In our Solstice Broadcast yesterday I talked about the need to stay in your center of Peace and Harmony, and to create an "Energy Signature" that imprints your intention of Peace and Light Mastery on your environment. At this crucial time of transition before the 1/1 , it is so important that we not get drawn into the Fear, Chaos and Anger, and that we keep that "Sacred Space" within our Hearts.
That "Sacred Space" within will be the Sacred Space that we will nurture and establish on Earth in the coming year of 2017.
I wish you all a peaceful and grace-filled week as you embody the Solstice energies in preparation for the New Year and the New Cycle.
Please listen to the Solstice Broadcast if you would like more information about the current energies, and also an activation with Archangel Michael for the Solstice.
Celia Fenn
翻译: Christiane TSAI