


 (2015-06-09 07:54:12)下一个



紫罗兰火焰可以透过“肯定(Decree)”的方式来祈请。这是一种特别的声音祈祷,他利用了观想与冥想的技巧。最简单的一个肯定是“我是紫罗兰火焰的存 在,我是纯粹的神之意志”(I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the purity God desires.)。做几个细长深远的呼吸,并且将你自己归于中心,接着慢慢的开始,用你的爱、奉献和感情来给出这个肯定,重复这个肯定句3次或9次。你 可以慢慢的增加这个数字为36次、72次或什至144次。重复这个肯定可以强化他的力量,并且带下更多的光。
你 也可以使用紫罗兰火焰来帮助朋友与家人。你只需要在你给予肯定时,观想紫罗兰火焰围绕着他们,并且在开始前加上一些祈祷即可。紫罗兰火焰也可以帮助其他你所尚未知觉到的人,当你结束肯定之后,你可以说“依据耶稣基督的圣名,我要求紫罗兰火焰增殖并且去帮助一切在这个星球上需要紫罗兰火焰的灵魂们。依据神的 意志,我感谢你并接受这服务的完成。”(In the name of the Christ within me, I ask that this violet flame be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need. I thank you and accept it done according to the will of God.)

第七道光以及紫色火焰乃是进化过程的主要时代。上天三重性的火焰意识可以透过此进化快速的直接影响地球跟人类。当它增速时,没有时间限制的紫色火焰就会取代第七道光,震动你们心脏中心内部的频率并透过光的工作者传佈到整个世界。这道神性的万灵宇宙火焰是由上天神性意愿的蓝色火焰;上天神性爱的粉红火焰以及神 性智慧的金色火焰所溶合而成的。它们的旋状行动将粉红、蓝色火焰以及金色火焰的核心溷合并创出神圣的紫色。它就是上天神性的鍊金灵药。此能量得以将所有扭 曲、不和谐能量转变成正面的生命能量。它包括所有上天的礼物跟祝福,并随时提供给所有光明工作者。




 (2015-05-11 09:57:03)下一个

这 种火焰是一种独特灵光的本质。所有不同年代的神秘学家都曾经瞥见在物质光谱之后的这“灵性光谱”。相较于地球的色光,这是更为光芒四射的色频,更纯粹且更 难以见得,更难以想像。这光谱由一个钻石,也就是我们内在的灵光中心所散射出来。就如同阳光射入菱镜而被折射成七种颜色,灵光也被分为七种颜色,或者说是 射线。这每一种色光都有着独特的,神性的的特质。紫罗兰火焰在紫罗兰光中出现,而紫罗兰光具有着慈悲、宽恕、自由与转化的特质。
在 过去的无数岁月中,圣徒和使者们一直知道如何去使用紫罗兰火焰。但这个讯息一直被封闭的传递着,直到这个世纪初,才被一位扬升大师圣日耳曼(St. Germain)开放给大众了解。扬升大师是开悟的,灵性的存在,他们曾经在地球上行走,如同你和我一样。他们之后扬升了,再次与神结合,你可能已经知道一些扬升大师的名字,如耶稣、 佛陀等。
你当然无法回到那个“时间”, 但是紫罗兰火焰具有着将这些起因、影响甚至是过去错误的记忆清除或转换的力量。 “转换”指的是去改变,去改变他的形式、外观甚至是本质。紫罗兰火焰可以将负面的能量转换为正面的能量,将黑暗转换为光明,将命运转换为机会。这个火焰也可以清除我们过去错误所产生的不好的业力。
我们过去的行为,不论好或坏的,都会回到我们身上,这是业的定律(law of karma)。这个宇宙定律,使我们所做的一切都像一个完整的圆似的,再次回到我们的门前。简单来说,回来的,就是发出的。
人们发现了越来越多关于我们的想法和情绪会影响健康的事实。研究也显示了憎恨和其他负面的想法与感觉,真的会在身体中创造超量的酸性物质,并且这些是无法被分解吸收的。这些负面的想法和感觉经常来自于情绪或心里的问题,而这也是紫罗兰火焰所能帮助解决的。当使用紫罗兰火焰进行疗愈时,旧伤口的疤痕与难受的记 忆往往也可以被治愈。



Healing Energy-Paradise is on Earth.能量疗愈.天堂在地球

We have all been there, especially with the rise in the popularity of social media, a loved one is struggling and we find ourselves saying we are sending ‘good vibes’ or ‘good thoughts’. What you may not know is that it is possible to send healing energy, regardless of the distance that may be between you!

As human beings, we carry a large amount of our own energy within us, energy with great potential. As we become more familiar with this inner power we are able to learn to open ourselves to the abilities that it carries – using its potential to send healing to those that we care about.

It doesn’t matter whether your aunt is currently on the other side of the country, or your best friend is on the other side of the world. As long as you are self aware, have confidence in your ability, and follow the advice included below you can harness that inner potential and provide the support and care that you are currently unable to provide physically.

1. Find a Quiet Space

It is important that you find a quiet place as you need to be able to focus your attention on the energy without being disturbed by the outside world. Ideally you would like to find a spiritual, or cleansed, space so as to ensure that you are not going to be battling any negative energy that is currently present.

2. Calm Your Mind

This is where you subscribe to the saying ‘leave your problems at the door’. Carrying the negative energy of whatever may have been happening your day into the session will at best make your efforts more challenging, and at worst make it completely ineffective. Take a few slow, deep breaths and quiet your mind, focusing entirely on the here and now, and the person you are wanting to send the healing energy to.

3.  Build an Energy Ball

You must begin by harnessing and building up the energy within yourself. Begin to rub your hands together in a circular motion, focusing on the palms of your hands. You will feel the energy as it begins to build between them. As this energy continues to build, slowly separate them, allowing the energy to take on the shape of a ball. Different type of energy will carry with them a different colour, focusing on a specific type of healing. Keep focusing all your energy on this ball allowing it to grow larger and stronger with each breath you take.

▷ Purple – Psychic Protection
▷ Blue – Emotional Healing
▷ Orange – Physical Healing
▷ Green – Heart Healing
▷ White – Spiritual Healing/General Healing
▷ Send the Healing Energy

When you feel that the energy ball has become as strong as you are able to build it, it is time to send it to your intended recipient. Visualize your loved one (human or animal) and the ball of energy travelling to them. Focus on the healing effects that this ball carries to them, and how it will be received.

4. Focus on Your Self

After sending healing energy, it is important that you focus on yourself and ensuring that you give yourself adequate time and space to recharge. It takes A LOT out of you to send an energy that powerful. Find an activity that allows you to ground your energy and become centered once again. This may include meditation, a relaxing walk in a natural setting or a relaxing bath.

A Few Reminders About Healing Energy:
It is important that you remember that your ability to send healing energy is dependent on having the energy within yourself to send. If you are currently emotionally drained or physically ill, you lack the strength of energy to be able to create the necessary energy ball. Another thing that impacts the energy you are sending is the energy you project to the individual. If you love this person, you will be able to send a strong healing energy wrapped in your care and concern. If you, however, feel ill or negative towards this individual in any way this not be effective.

You don’t have to tell the person that you are sending them healing energy, however discussing it in advance may allow them to be more open and accepting of the energy when the time comes.

Ultimately remember that whatever you send out comes back to you at three times the strength. If you send positive and healing energy out into the world, it will come back to you three times as strong.

Paradise is on Earth

It is our mission to live a Joyful fulfilled life, 
fully connected with each other,
 with animals, 
and with nature. 

One Love

Love All & Serve All




 2017-12-19 Simon 神圣蓝图



作者丨西蒙 · 斯蒂迪沃




1 找到一个安静的地方


2 镇定你的头脑


3 创造一个能量球




4 专注于自己

发送了疗愈能量后,非常重要的是你完全专注于自己,确保你给自己足够的时间和空间去补充能量。当你发送了超强能量出去后,你给出了非常多。做些什么来帮助你把能量收回到自己的核心。可以是冥想,在自然当中散步 ,或者是放松的泡个澡。





We have all been there, especially with the rise in the popularity of social media, a loved one is struggling and we find ourselves saying we are sending ‘good vibes’ or ‘good thoughts’. What you may not know is that it is possible to send healing energy, regardless of the distance that may be between you!

As human beings, we carry a large amount of our own energy within us, energy with great potential. As we become more familiar with this inner power we are able to learn to open ourselves to the abilities that it carries – using its potential to send healing to those that we care about.

It doesn’t matter whether your aunt is currently on the other side of the country, or your best friend is on the other side of the world. As long as you are self aware, have confidence in your ability, and follow the advice included below you can harness that inner potential and provide the support and care that you are currently unable to provide physically.

1 Find a Quiet Space

It is important that you find a quiet place as you need to be able to focus your attention on the energy without being disturbed by the outside world. Ideally you would like to find a spiritual, or cleansed, space so as to ensure that you are not going to be battling any negative energy that is currently present.

2 Calm Your Mind

This is where you subscribe to the saying ‘leave your problems at the door’. Carrying the negative energy of whatever may have been happening your day into the session will at best make your efforts more challenging, and at worst make it completely ineffective. Take a few slow, deep breaths and quiet your mind, focusing entirely on the here and now, and the person you are wanting to send the healing energy to.

3  Build an Energy Ball

You must begin by harnessing and building up the energy within yourself. Begin to rub your hands together in a circular motion, focusing on the palms of your hands. You will feel the energy as it begins to build between them. As this energy continues to build, slowly separate them, allowing the energy to take on the shape of a ball. Different type of energy will carry with them a different colour, focusing on a specific type of healing. Keep focusing all your energy on this ball allowing it to grow larger and stronger with each breath you take.

▷ Purple – Psychic Protection
▷ Blue – Emotional Healing
▷ Orange – Physical Healing
▷ Green – Heart Healing
▷ White – Spiritual Healing/General Healing
▷ Send the Healing Energy

When you feel that the energy ball has become as strong as you are able to build it, it is time to send it to your intended recipient. Visualize your loved one (human or animal) and the ball of energy travelling to them. Focus on the healing effects that this ball carries to them, and how it will be received.

4 Focus on Your Self

After sending healing energy, it is important that you focus on yourself and ensuring that you give yourself adequate time and space to recharge. It takes A LOT out of you to send an energy that powerful. Find an activity that allows you to ground your energy and become centered once again. This may include meditation, a relaxing walk in a natural setting or a relaxing bath.

A Few Reminders About Healing Energy:
It is important that you remember that your ability to send healing energy is dependent on having the energy within yourself to send. If you are currently emotionally drained or physically ill, you lack the strength of energy to be able to create the necessary energy ball. Another thing that impacts the energy you are sending is the energy you project to the individual. If you love this person, you will be able to send a strong healing energy wrapped in your care and concern. If you, however, feel ill or negative towards this individual in any way this not be effective.

You don’t have to tell the person that you are sending them healing energy, however discussing it in advance may allow them to be more open and accepting of the energy when the time comes.

Ultimately remember that whatever you send out comes back to you at three times the strength. If you send positive and healing energy out into the world, it will come back to you three times as strong.



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Paradise is on Earth

It is our mission to live a Joyful fulfilled life, fully connected with each other, with animals, 
and with nature. 
One Love
Love All & Serve All
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